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2024 Philadelphia Memorial Day: GSW members Lori Spada, Chris Chojnicki and Lela Matthews.
August 2024: Classic Cruise in Owyhee, NV. MALs Martha Seahmer, Sharon Whiterock, and Claire Manning-Dick.
2024 Convention: Jennifer Scheetz, SE Region, Wreaths Across America interview.
2024 Convention: Cynthia LaPointe Daffler, Tonya Austin-Shelton, and Audrey Easterling.
2024 Convention: Sandra Luhnow, SW Region, giving an interview for Wreaths Across America Radio.
2024 Convention: Pam Connors, New England, interview with Wreaths Across America.
2024 Memorial Service at Convention, GSW members with Gold Star Parents Jim and Leslie Groves.
2024 Convention: Lupe Maguire and Sharon Dalton of Mid Atlantic.
2024 Convention: Board Member Karen Nance.
2024 Convention: David Escobar and Sandra Robertson.
2024 Convention: 2023 Board Members.
2024: Cindy Dafler drives her 3-wheel motorbike to Miami Valley Chapter meeting.
2024 Memorial Day Ceremony at Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park, Dayton, Ohio. Linda Petric & Cynthia Lapointe Dafler place the GSW wreath.
2024 July 4th parade Wakefield, MA. Claire Brown, Pam Hart, Marion Dennehy and Denise Barns. Very heart warming to receive all the thank you wishes and applause as we rode the trolley in the parade.
2024 4th of July in Beavercreek, OH. Miami Valley chapter members: Madie Tillman, Barbara King, Tonya Austin-Shelton and Cynthia LaPointe Dafler.
2024 4th of July parade Lake Oswego. Willamette Valley members, Catalina Oseguera, Mary Nelson, Valerie Morey and Nancy Menagh. Also shown Betsy Spillman and Gold Star Mom Eileen Goodwin.
2024 4th of July Lake Oswego Parade. Catalina Oseguera of Willamette Valley Chapter.
2024 4th of July Parade Lake Oswego. Valerie Morey, NW Region President, provided our vehicle this year!!
June 2024: GSW Member, Kathy Hern, thanking Dr. Jill Biden for the help she received from the White House in obtaining the benefits needed by her late husband.
Memorial Day 2024. GSW members Cynthia Dafler and Madie Tillman with Blue Star Mothers at the Vietnam Memorial Park.
April, 2024 28 Gold Star Families and 216 Veterans stories were preserved in 4 volumes of "Since You Asked". Georgia Hudak's story was featured.
April, 2024 "Since You Asked" Book signing as part of the Veterans Heritage Project in Phoenix. Georgia Hudak alongside her son with her hero's picture in front. Georgia's story was included.
April, 2024 28 Gold Star Families and 216 Veterans stories were preserved in 4 volumes of "Since You Asked". Georgia Hudak's signing books alongside a Gold Star Mother.
2024 Memorial Day at Women's Memorial (WIMSA). Marion Dennehy, Claire Manning-Dick, & Peggy Griffin.
2024 Memorial Day Concert.
Memorial Day 2024 The Wall: Deb Skeldon, Deloris Buettner, Patricia Morgan, Mary Williams and Tanya Linn Thomas-Wilson.
Memorial Day 2024 Vigil at The Wall: Patricia Morgan, Pam Connor, and Mary Williams.
Memorial Day 2024 The Wall: Tanya Lynn Wilson-Thomas, Mary Williams and Patricia Morgan.
Memorial Day 2024 Arlington Amphitheater: Donna Eldridge and Pam Laurion with our flags.
2024 Rolling to Remember: Marion Dennehy and Mercedes Irving with AmVets riders.
2024 Memorial Day Arlington: Peggy Griffin and Claire Manning-Dick.
2024 Memorial Day Concert: Peggy Griffin, Mercedes Irving and Marion Dennehy.
Memorial Day 2024. Arlington Amphitheater: Marion Dennehy, Peggy Griffin, Donna Eldridge & Pam Laurion.
2024 Rolling to Remember: Claire Manning-Dick and Marion Dennehy.
North Central Region Officers Installation. Martha Didamo, Crystal Wenum, Caril Guilliams, Sheree Patterson, & Eileen Fleming
The Omaha Chapter "Bingo Babes" at the Eastern Nebraska Veterans Home for their monthly service project. Rita Gardner, Mary Webb, Jean Funkhouser, Lisa Wade, Martha Didamo
NW Region 2024-2025 (L-R) Chaplain Autri Evans , Connell Doss Tahoma Chapter.
2024 NW Region Conference - some of our members showing off our fascinator headpieces made by Lori Gibson.
2024 NW Region Conference members enjoying their time together.
2024 NW Region Conference May Veazey getting ready for installation.
Beverly Buster, 2024 NW Region President installation.
43rd NW Region conference installation 2024, Tacoma Beverly Buster President, May Veazey VP, Nancy Menagh Sec, Tilinda Grote Treas, Yvonne Crocket Parl, Valerie Morey Hist & Autri Evans Chap.
Ada McArthur (in the yellow jacket) being awarded for her 500 hours of volunteer Sunshine at the VA Hospital. 2024
Tanya Wilson-Thomas with the Deputy Mayor, Theresa Flora and Trustee, Karen Schleimer of Mt. Kisco at the 2024 St. Patrick's Day Parade.
Tanya Wilson-Thomas at the Mt. Kisco 2024 St. Patrick's Day Parade the GSW was invited to attend. She later learned her paternal Great-Grandparents are buried in Mt. Kisco.
Cyndy Hollender Standcliff, Tanya Wilson-Thomas, Chris Chojnicki, & Mary Gallagher Gold Star Wives Day at NYC, Queens Borough Hall. 2024
Carmela Mullen, Chris Chojnicki, Lori Spada and Lela Matthew's at Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Breakfast 2024.
Edna Hill enjoying her 2021 Stay At Home Tea.
Greater Boston Chapter members attend 21st Anniversary/Fundraiser for Operation Troop Support Standing - Jean Beck, Dick Moody, Founder and Director of OTS, Jeanette Rose-Gutschall Seated - Donna M
Georgia Hudak, Olive Bouault, Marion Dennehy at the WWII Memorial on Memorial Day 2023.
Rolling to Remember 2023. Gold Star Wives in our yellow denim vests with Gold Star Mothers.
Sandra Robertson participated in Wreaths Across America in Montgomery, Alabama and Judy Woodall also attended the ceremony.
2023 Veterans Day at the White House, National President Claire Manning-Dick standing with First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt Painting.
2023 Veterans Day at White House GSW National President Claire Manning-Dick, DAR National Commander Nancy Espinosa, Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. National President Rebecca Stafford.
Veterans Day 2023 Representative Mark Takano, GSW National President, Claire Manning-Dick
2023 American Gold Star Mothers, Gold Star Wives, Lupe Maguire, Claire Manning-Dick, and Blue Star Mother lining up to lay the wreath at the Tomb off the Unknown Soldier.
Veterans Day 2023 GSW President Claire Manning-Dick presents the GSW wreath at WIMSA'.
The Omaha Chapter participated in retiree Day at Offutt AFB by promoting Gold Star Wives.
2023 Veterans Day in Birmingham Judy Woodall, Nancy Peppers, Sandra Robertson, Jennifer Scheetz, Danni Oden-Winn, & Linda Middleton.
2023 Convention : Aseneth Blackwell and Harriet Boyden.
2023 Convention: Vivianne Wersel and her mother place wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
2023 National Convention Installation Ceremony: Sandra Luhnow, Beverly Buster, Susan Smee, Claire Manning-Dick, Nancy Peppers, Tanya Linn Wilson-Thomas, Georgia Hudak.
2023 National Convention Attendees
National President Claire Manning-Dick in Washington, DC.
Phoenix Chapter members Georgia Hudak (left) and Pat Kelly (right) met with Arizona Congressional Representative, Hon. Debbie Lesko regarding GSW supported DIC legislation.
Georgia Hudak, being escorted by Sergeant Rene Fuertes (from Massachusetts) at the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States 124th Annual Convention Memorial Service, July 23, 2023.
Volunteers at the 50th Welcome Home, L to R: Deb Skeldon, Joann Dunn, Major General Schmidt, Donna Eldridge and Lupe MaGuire.
Middle Atlantic Region Members volunteering for the 50th Welcome Home.
Two Vietnam Veterans Inc. Wives and Gold Star Wife Chris Chojnicki participating in a 4th of July Parade.
May 29, 2023 City of Pittsburgh Proclamation. Member Chris Chojnicki speaking. Also pictured: Council President Smith, and Mayor Gainey.
Middle Atlantic Region Volunteers at the In Memory Ceremony June 2023
Memorial Day 2023 Concert, National President plus GSW members in attendance.
Carmella Mullen, Chris Chojnicki, Lela Matthews and Lori Spada at Duquesne University and the Annual Veteran's Breakfast
L to R: Lela Matthews and Chris Chojnicki at the Welcome Home Afghanistan Veterans parade in Pittsburgh area.
L to R: Chris Chojnicki, Lori Spada, and Lela Matthew's at the 50th Anniversary of the ending of Vietnam War. Taken at the Vietnam War Memorial at the North Shore in Pittsburgh.
Memorial Day 2023: City of Pittsburgh Mayor and City Council presented Proclamation of Gold Star Family Day to GSW Chris Chojnicki

Gold Star Wives of America, Inc. works to preserve and enhance benefits to surviving United States military spouses and their children; to help our members and their children face the future with courage and determination, and to honor the memory of our military spouses who made the ultimate sacrifice.

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Gold Star Wives of America, Inc. is a non-profit 501(C)4 National Military Widow/Widowers Service Organization chartered by the United States Congress. Donations are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes but may be deductible as trade or business expenses. Copyright © 2024.

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