Nancy Menagh
The job of the Communications and Social Media Chair is to outreach and publicize all over the country to inform surviving spouses about benefits and take care of their needs.
The Communications Director is responsible for producing new releases. The purpose is to inform as many spouses as possible who are unaware that they may be eligible for several of these benefits: DIC, Tricare and ChampVA.
The Communications Director and members work together to coordinate and ensure publications go out to seniors through church bulletins, newsletters, TV, or other form of communication. They are intended to inform spouses of Veterans that have lost touch with the Veteran community and may not be aware of recent benefit revisions regarding those that may now be eligible.
Another main duty as Communications Director is to promote Gold Star Wives of America, Inc. to the Media. Some of the ways this is accomplished include the following:
- Subscribing to publications that promote GSW such as Stars and Stripes. Advertise in such publications to promote the GSW.
- Sending GSW brochures to any organization or person requesting information.
- Contacting the Casualty Office at a military installation if one is in the local area. Give them GSW brochures to have in the event of local casualties, so that the surviving spouses can be made aware of the GSW.
- Encouraging Chapters to contact local military installations Family Service Office, Chaplain, and Casualty Offices to let them know about Gold Star Wives.
- Attending local or state events when invited to represent a National GSW officer if they are unable to attend.
- Keeping a record of any articles that appear in publications.
- Submitting articles for the National Newsletter.
- Submitting an annual report for the National Convention of activities for the year along with appropriate financial statements for the position.
- Writing articles for submission to publications, local newspapers, and other media.
- Keeping the Newsfeed on the website updated.