You are invited to join us for a GSW hosted Survivor Benefits update and question and answer given by Ann Duff, Director of Survivor Assistance, Dept. of Veterans Affairs. We are very excited to have Ann spend time with us. Ann usually attends our Convention to give us an annual update. For 2020 it is a separate event. This event is OPEN TO ANYONE who wishes to join, with a cap at 100 participants. It will be very helpful if you send your questions ahead of time to
Time: Saturday Oct 3, 2020
10:00 AM Pacific Time
11:00 AM Mountain Time
12 noon Central Time
1:00 Eastern Time
If you are unable to access a computer to join, you may call in - it does not matter which phone number you choose from the list below to use. You may want to gather a few of your friends or GSW members and log in together on a computer and make it an event! If you have not used Zoom before, not to worry - it is fun and easy! Just click on the link 10 minutes before the event and it will launch Zoom on your computer - no need to download any programs. Then you will want to check your sound and video a couple of minutes prior to our start. I will have everyone on mute except our speaker as it can be distracting with barking dogs, outside noise, etc.
We are looking forward to seeing you soon!
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Meeting ID: 873 7303 9188
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